Samson’s Summer session got off to a great start with the first two weeks devoted to a study of woodlands and wetlands biomes. In addition to daily spelling and math games, we studied owls, foxes, and raccoons, as well as bears, flamingos, and dolphins. We learned to recognize the tracks of different animals. We also made dioramas of each biome.

The third week of our summer session was Up, Up, & Away Arts & Imagination Camp.

This year we traveled to Asia to learn about the cultures of India, China, and Japan. Pandas and the Peking Opera, silk worms and sitar music. We learned about Hokusai and his famous painting The Wave. We learned about the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal. We used real flowers in our lesson about ikebana, Japanese flower arranging.

We topped off the week with delicious rosewater and sugar gulab jamun, an Indian treat.

The fun continues in July with prairie/pond.